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$32,000 Cost to Improve School Bleacher Safety

The Nazareth Area School Board took action on various items at its recent meeting.

Refurbishing and modifying were among some of the topics the Nazareth Area School Board addressed and took action on at Monday's meeting.

Here are some of the agenda items that were approved:

  • In the area of contracts, the board awarded a $32,200 contract for high school bleacher safety modifications to Builders Specialty Service Inc. of Elizabethtown (Lancaster County). The modifications include the widening of the aisle steps and the installation of a handrail system that features “p-rails.”
  • The board authorized the administration to go ahead with the refurbishing of 30 chalkboards at the intermediate school by Everase Corp. of Ivyland (Bucks County). The cost is set at $13,196.25.
  • The board also gave the administration the green light on a $31,330 wireless infrastructure project at the Lower Nazareth and Bushkill elementary schools. Equipment will be provided through a COSTARS state contract and funded through the district’s capital projects fund for technology. The board’s agenda notes that the project was previously presented to the board and is part of the five-year technology plan.

COSTARS is a cooperative purchasing program that is part of the state Department of General Services’ Bureau of Procurement.

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  • In the personnel area, the board approved the hiring of Carrie Kutzera as a replacement cafeteria monitor, with an initial assignment at Lower Nazareth Elementary. The appointment was effective Tuesday.
  • The board also approved two appointments at the middle school: Lauren Munson for the Cabaret of Music at a salary of $1,248, and Robert Bauder as auditorium technical adviser at a salary of $1,273.
  • Added to the approved list of bus drivers for Jennings Transportation were James Angeline, Karen McDaniel, Louis Niosi and Beverly Rodney.
  • The board also approved an extension for Berkheimer Associates of Bangor to collect delinquent per capita and occupation assessment taxes. The extension goes from July 1 of this year through June 30, 2014.

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